This is a message from the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions.
Many people already know Microsoft has announced that on April 8, 2014, Windows XP will reach the end of its support lifecycle and will no longer be supported. The discontinuing of support means that Microsoft will no longer provide security patches, technical assistance or support for Windows XP.
After April 8, 2014, Washington State, Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) will consider all devices connected to the Internet running Windows XP a serious security risk. Devices include: PCs, Laptops, and Tablet PCs. We have received information from credible sources stating that cyber criminals are poised to take advantage of this opportunity to infect and control these devices by installing malicious software (malware). This malware is capable of stealing any data that is stored on a device running Window XP and includes key stroke loggers capable of stealing passwords that may be entered.
DFI employees are being instructed to not accept any electronic information, data, or documents that have been created or stored on a device running Windows XP.
DFI highly recommends devices running Windows XP be taken out of service before April 8, 2014. This is for the security of your company, customers, and to protect personally identifiable information. For more information see Microsoft’s website: